Sanjay Rai Sherpuria: The Man with Unusual Proximity to Power

The article discusses the case of Sanjay Rai Sherpuria, who resides in the Race Course area of Delhi and has close ties with the BJP government. Despite his proximity to the government, he was arrested by the UP STF for allegedly being involved in scams. The article questions whether agencies should keep a closer eye on individuals who use their closeness to the government for personal gain and highlights similar cases of individuals exploiting their connections with the government. The article also touches upon the issue of reputation management and the use of PMO’s Wi-Fi for personal gain.

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The Pulwama attack on February 14, 2019, where a suicide bomber from Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) targeted a convoy of CRPF personnel, killing 40 soldiers, shook India. The tension between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir issue is the backdrop for this attack. India and Pakistan have been fighting over the ownership of the region since the partition of India in 1947, leading to numerous conflicts between the two nations. The Pulwama attack sparked widespread outrage and anger across India. The Indian government responded by condemning the attack and vowing to take revenge. The Indian Air Force carried out a successful surgical strike on a JeM training camp in Balakot, Pakistan. However, the aftermath of the attack escalated the tension between India and Pakistan. The recent interview of former Governor Satya Pal Malik highlights the need for transparency, accountability, and the avoidance of politicization in such tragic incidents.

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Belief in God is a fundamental part of many people’s lives. It shapes the way they view the world and guides their actions. Many seek solace in a higher power during difficult times, and find comfort in the idea that they are not alone. However, it’s important to consider the impact our actions have on the natural world, and whether we are truly honoring God’s will when we disrupt the balance of nature in the pursuit of our own comfort and convenience.

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HOW CAPITALISM CAN DESTROY DEMOCRACY: Understanding the Threats and the Role of the State

Capitalism and democracy have been often viewed as complementary systems. However, the concentration of wealth and power, growing inequality, and corruption associated with capitalism can pose significant threats to democratic principles. The state can play a vital role in protecting democracy from the threats of capitalism by regulating the economy, strengthening democratic institutions, and promoting civic education. Similarly, individuals can also contribute to protecting democracy by engaging in activism, promoting transparency and accountability, and supporting policies that reduce inequality and promote social justice.

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“Top Reasons to Study in Canada as an International Student”

Canada is a top destination for international students due to its top-ranked universities, affordable tuition fees and living costs, welcoming and diverse society, and excellent opportunities for post-graduation work and immigration. With renowned academic excellence, a wide range of programs in various fields, and a multicultural environment, international students can expect a world-class education and a warm, friendly experience. Additionally, the availability of scholarships, funding, and part-time work opportunities make studying in Canada a feasible option for many students.

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The US-Mexico border has been a hot spot for illegal immigration, with thousands of migrants crossing every year in search of better economic opportunities and safety from violence and persecution in their home countries. The journey to the border is dangerous and migrants face many risks, including the risk of assault, robbery, kidnapping, and exposure to extreme weather conditions. The US government has implemented policies to deter illegal immigration, but they have faced criticism from human rights organizations and have done little to address the root causes of migration.

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