The Sacred Festival of Nine Nights CHAITRA NAVRATRI: CELEBRATING THE DIVINE FEMININE India is a land of rich cultural heritage, and festivals hold an important […]

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“Deadly Fire at Mexican Migrant Detention Center Near US Border: Tragedy Highlights Ongoing Migrant Crisis”

A deadly fire at a migrant detention center in northern Mexico has claimed the lives of at least 39 people and left 29 others seriously injured. The facility was holding 68 men from Central and South America, with many hoping to cross into the United States once pandemic-related public health rules are lifted in May. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has suggested the fire was caused by migrants setting mattresses on fire in protest at being deported. Local media reports have indicated tensions between the detained migrants and staff at the facility prior to the fire.

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“Agneepath Scheme: The Indian Government’s Bold Step to Encourage Youth to Serve in the Army”

The Agneepath scheme launched by the Indian government aims to encourage young people to join the army and serve their nation. Young soldiers between the ages of 18-21 will be recruited for a period of four years, during which they will receive training in various aspects of military service. After completing their service, they will receive a sum of Rs 11 lakh 71 thousand and a qualification certificate from the government. The scheme is expected to reduce the burden of pension on the government and provide additional budget for the army to invest in their needs.

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The Agneepath Yojana, a new Indian government scheme that aims to recruit and train youth to become soldiers, has sparked concerns over the future of the country’s border security. The plan involves recruiting soldiers for a period of only four years, after which they will be released back into the job market. Many are questioning whether four years is enough time to fully understand and commit to protecting the country, especially given the experience and knowledge required for such a challenging role. Additionally, concerns have been raised over the impact of the scheme on the spirit and respect for the military profession, and on the pension and benefits of soldiers.

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